Frances Micklem

Alternative Health Consultancy

International Services for Personal and Professional Wellbeing

alternative health consultancy

Wellbeing Membership: Harmony Hall International

Launch offer:
Formal Programme: €250.00
alternative health consultancy

Piano Lessons: Harmony Hall Acoustic

432hz tuning
Kilkenny & online.
Launch offer:
€60 for three lessons
alternative health consultancy

Geopathic stress: Harmony Hall Blueprint

Launch offer:
Earth & Family Energy
Stress Clearing
Anywhere in The World: €150
alternative health consultancy

Lockdown response:


00 353 83 144 3978

Panic relief


Meals on Wheels

Give Health and Surprise Someone!

Are you in another country or in lockdown?

This is how I work remotely....

Do you know that something needs to change but you don’t know what or how? Maybe you don’t want to rock the boat of an already productive lifestyle or lose your toe-hold in the job you are glad to still have. At the Alternative Health Consultancy, we offer a complete therapeutic online service to clear your personal energy from stress, negativity or illness. We also supply space clearing for your home or business. Clearing is based on physics. It allows for the dispelling of the many signs of energetic turbulence and disturbance in both people and buildings. We use our own premises as a blueprint for clearing your environment. Harmony Hall is an original geometric design that provides a template to work on any property.

The initial clearing facilitates a shift in your experience and outlook of life. We design a customized package of this initial clearing and a membership is possible for year-round support (€250) to teaching and training sessions. These sessions allow clients to do the follow-up work themselves.

Through our literature and website, we present a wider understanding of how energy works. This package makes a priceless gift for yourself or friends.

The Alternative Health Consultancy stands for rehabilitation without medication. The power of perspective is central with the premise; what we think will happen, will happen. With energy clearing, you free up your thoughts to successfully manifest what you want. This allows us to avoid the norm of casually held beliefs that hold us back.

20% of our profits go to the public banking movement, which is humane in its treatment of people, animals and resources and therefore a forward-thinking 2020 vision.


Everyday Guidance Cards To Move From Inevitable Repetition to Conscious Choice

Here’s how it works – 3 cards, 3 simple steps:

  1. Draw 3 cards of your choice (click on each one). If you wish, you may shuffle the cards by clicking on the two crossing arrows icon  below) The first card will be your ‘Challenge’; the second card will be the ‘area that needs reflection’; and the third card will guide you to the ‘Solution’.
  2. Read the card’s description below the whole deck (scroll down to bottom of page) once you selected all three cards.
  3. Fill out the form on the bottom to request your wisdom relating to each painting (1x free!) and subscribe to year-round support (optional). Make sure to include the titles of your three cards! 🙂
Flip All Cards

The 7th Dimension

This is the dimension of sound. Few can hear the didgeridoo drone of the planets, turning on their axes. But, we can hear Beethoven and Bach, bird song and dog bark.

Watch and meditate on the flight patterns of birds to access this space.

The 7th Dimension

This is the dimension of sound. Few can hear the didgeridoo drone of the planets, turning on their axes. But, we can hear Beethoven and Bach, bird song and dog bark.

Watch and meditate on the flight patterns of birds to access this space.

The Ability to Jump a Five-Bar Gate

You can shape reality now with your intense will and vision.

Trust your mind to sacred geometry and your body to martial arts of some kind.

The Ability to Jump a Five-Bar Gate

You can shape reality now with your intense will and vision.

Trust your mind to sacred geometry and your body to martial arts of some kind.

Spiritual Energy Field

Establish an agreement with yourself; between your conscious, subconscious minds and your intuitive team. Make sure they are supporting you in seeing the truth and best course of action. Never martyr yourself, just wait for the win win solution to occur to you.

Spiritual Energy Field

Establish an agreement with yourself; between your conscious, subconscious minds and your intuitive team. Make sure they are supporting you in seeing the truth and best course of action. Never martyr yourself, just wait for the win win solution to occur to you.

Consultancy and Training

  • Support and insight into 12 areas of your life and a full emailed report – €90
  • Clarity Restored on one topic – €30
  • Consultation on Zoom – €60
  • Consultations on Zoom (5-part Programme)  – €250

Further Insight On the Bioarchitecture of Your Life

Plaiedian Constellation, Fixing Polarity

Where reality and Wellbeing Meet in Your Hologram

I have published this set of angel cards to help people correct their polarity, using an understanding of the many dimensions of reality. Each one is a unique painting of mine with ideas for people who already are conscious of a lot of healing principles and can make use of them in reflection.

‘Plaiedian Constellation’ Card

As I look through them, I realize that the cards might need an accompanying booklet like angel cards do with a little more information!

This is what I came up with for The Blue People, who some might recognize as being on the cover of my book as well.

What is there in the 6th Dimension that is not found in 3D and how can it impact on our daily lives? The sixth dimension is made of pure light. This is not like the light at the end of the tunnel; something to look forward to. It can be visualized as an underlying grid of powerful energy. Some people may have already heard of a hologram; an optimum version of you and everything else that we can see that underpins the solid and imperfect creations of our tangible world. It stands to reason that if you reflect on this aspect of yourself, you will come to identify with it more than your current self-image, circumstances and any external judgments you meet.

The way you can access this dimension is through meditation or just asking, while involved in other tasks like washing up or playing a piece of music. Alternatively, I love to do it while swimming. I make each length an acknowledgment of another dimension.

As the insights start coming thick and fast and uninterrupted, you will realize this dimension holds your true nature and that your original nature is still intact and unchanged thankfully, by all that has happened to you. Your body, mind and feelings can all be healed via regular return to reflection on this dimension. Do not worry that you may lose touch with reality if you explore new perspectives. It is not a choice between living in one way or another. The dimensions are just layers to experience, all happening simultaneously.

Having lived with awareness of a multi dimensional  reality for years, I have discovered that life is only 20% physical and the other 80% invisible to the naked eye, not available to touch empirically and impossible to access by basic, polarized thought (inc. true/false, right/wrong, black/ white!) Opening your mind and waking up to who you really may be and are supposed to become, will be the most enjoyable adventure you’ll ever go on and best of all? You can do it on the quiet. No one will know where you’ve gone or even that you ventured off. You will, though, return to the present moment and company, sun-kissed and radiant with that light. I say give it a go and don’t knock it ’til you’ve tried it!

Addressing Polarity Disorder In a New Way: €120 (pay with PayPal button below)

Goddess Abundancia, Clearing Karma in 4D

When you get the card with the painting of Abundancia the Goddess on it, it is time to explore karma. I could only fit a sentence or two on the back of the cards and I realized, later, that each one is a call to action that probably involves whole concepts that it took me years to get my head around. This one refers to concepts such as the multi-dimensional reality, the transmutation of karma, the development of your intuition and mental freedom from old patterns.

The wisdom on this card offers a massive step in the direction of self mastery. If you put the work in and apply the following understandings your life will transform from a helpless unfolding of events to a conscious creation of a life of meaning, value and purpose.

What is Karma?

Karma is experienced as recurring tests and problems in life. It exists and operates in your unconscious and keeps a person on a loop of inevitable repetition.

What Causes Karma?

Karma is caused by ealier choices and actions, sometimes as far back as previous lifetimes. Some people see karma as a punishment but some will also have experienced ‘good karma’, where a good deed is quickly followed by some luck.

Identification is When You Think That Something That Happens To You Is Who You Are

Karma is very powerful not least because it is an unconscious dynamic, driving you to walk into the same dangers over and over again. The first thing to do is to recognize and accept that you have these dynamics. Then you will become less identified with them. Identification with your karma can be seen in the statements. ‘I am just very unlucky’ ‘I have a weakness in my legs’  Any negative statement beginning with ‘I am’ ‘I have’ or ‘I always’ are indicators both of karma and that you have become identified with your karma.

Way To Deal With Karma

It is absolutely crucial to clear your karma and be systematic in recognizing its appearance. As karma is unconscious, consciousness is the means to clear it. Paying one’s karmic debt could take lifetimes. In some cultures, when they see someone suffering, they will not intervene as it is seen as the person’s opportunity to pay their debt. To transcend one’s karma requires a person to lead a completely spiritually–directed life. You have to rise above the mundane world, where the karma plays out, and achieve a relative safety by staying removed from the messy reality of relationships and other worldly participation. It can be done though, through meditation, ritual and chanting. For me, that has felt like a blocking out of information, as I was taught to always turn towards difficult information and face it directly, rather than get away from it. My method transmutes karma.

Examples of Karmic Patterns

For one client, they had broken the same ankle/lower leg 3 times, nearly on a yearly basis. For me, I noticed karma around cars. I would think I was making a new choice but continually buy an old car that was slightly off-the-road and that no one else would touch with a barge pole! Furthermore, I would routinely have punctures and accidents involving the road-edge, rear wheel. This went as far as running over a beloved dog in very slow motion. Another time, the whole axel and wheel broke off in that quadrant.

Using A Pendulum To Transmute Karma

When you have noticed a recurring pattern, you can hold a pendulum aloft and start it spinning gently in a clockwise direction. Out loud, or in your head, set the intention: Please clear the karmic relationship I have with…

When the pendulum slows, other aspects might have occurred to you and you can set the pendulum off again to clear those. You might also have a phsyical response like a yawn or partial yawn or a twinge in the part of your body where problems have often shown themselves.

Energy Clearing Is Gradual at First

If, when you’re clearing using the pendulum, you have had one of those only partial yawns – where you begin to yawn but don’t get a full inhalation – or even if you get no sensations or thoughts as the pendulum swings and then slows to a standstill, there is usually still more clearing to do. After all, Karma and other patterns have taken a long time to accumulate and you may need to stay with the subject for a while. Maybe frame the next question as: Please transmute any further karma. The intention to hold, when you set the pendulum off this time, is one of self-forgiveness. You may find that you have a heavier conscience than you thought and this is a chance to acknowledge mistakes and let them go. As energetic medicine becomes a way of life, clearing will be more instant and the benefits more lasting and established.

It is when you are clearing using the pendulum that you are developing your intuition. You can see the karma as an intractable, painful entrapment but you are starting to see ways through it. These are little glimmers of light, thoughts like: Today I have acknowledged the past and realize that it does not need to define my future. It comes later that our intuition and awareness are actually at work: You find yourself facing a decision and you get a flash of perspective and you realize you have several choices not just the one you have made before.

The Consciousness Journey

I described karma as being 4th dimension. It is like a canopy over our third dimensional experience, keeping us ‘on repeat’. However it has perforations, like a teabag! As boiling water releases flavour, so our intuition can pass right through this invisible ceiling of karma and explore all the dimensions crucial to our conscious journey. There is a fifth dimension and sixth and seventh. These are lighter and lighter than the density of the elements and our familiar 3D experience.

The deal is that you can only make real change, fully heal, actually grow and come to love freely and welcome abundance comfortably, once you are cleared of your karma. Before that, you are pinned under an invisible ceiling of habitual, defeated routine both mentally and physically.

That’s okay if you always fall on your feet. But either way, it’s always worth doing a focused clearing of your karma. It may well be why you came. By this I mean, why you incarnated. I slightly feel that we are here to make amends.

What We Heal For Ourselves, We Heal For Everyone

Another way of looking at karma is the expression ‘What goes around comes around’. Therefore, it is also a way of looking at your participation in each scenario and an acknowledgement that we are all connected. Once you have moved from completely unconscious (operating via habits) to completely conscious (aware and engaged), it is empowering. You start to see what a massive impact you have. Your perception moves from helpless victim of circumstance to a view of conscious creator of reality.

Karma Clearing: €80 (pay with PayPal button below)

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